Does Tesla break down often? After many failures and disappointments in recent years, Tesla has evolved into one of the best vehicle manufacturers in the world. But even with its high-tech software and electronic and mechanical components, vehicles from the famous brand continue to be mechanisms prone to certain breakdowns.
Does Tesla break down often? After many failures and disappointments in recent years, Tesla has evolved into one of the best vehicle manufacturers in the world. But even with its high-tech software and electronic and mechanical components, vehicles from the famous brand continue to be mechanisms prone to certain breakdowns.
Yes, Tesla vehicles do break down from time to time. However, compared to cars that use internal combustion engines, Tesla remains a model of reliability. You can easily drive your electric vehicle for over 100 thousand kilometers, spending money only on replacing consumables and tires.
But even if a Tesla bought for you in an official showroom breaks down, you can count on a standard warranty of two kinds:● 4 years or 80,000 thousand km of run;● 8 years or 160,000thousand km of run.
The warranty covers the battery and the drive.
What are the most common Tesla breakdowns?
Although Tesla vehicles have better reliability than liquid fuel vehicles, they have typical malfunctions. Not every Tesla owner encounters these malfunctions, and they are more related to the design features and the way the vehicle operates and do not depend on the mileage.
The most common malfunctions can include the following:
● steering rack crunch - found on Tesla vehicles manufactured before 2016;● electric traction motor gearbox failure - found on rear-drive Tesla, whose owners often practice fast acceleration;● rattling of front drives - occurs on all-wheel-drive Tesla Model X.
Average repair costs for different Tesla models
The repair cost - this parameter is very individual for each vehicle. It can be found only after a complete and accurate diagnosis. And the price list for Tesla diagnostics is not difficult to find out. For example, here is the average cost of diagnostic and maintenance services for Tesla:● Diagnostics of malfunctions - $150● Crash date error removal + redeploy - $600● Performance activation on model 3 dual motor 980 - $1,300● Removing valet mode - $100● Window calibration - $150● Key pairing - $200 - $1,800● SIM card installation and APN registration - from $150 to $300● Navigation Activation and Calibration - $400● Chademo activation - $150● Radar calibration - $300
It becomes clear that the repair of Tesla costs their owners a pretty hefty sum of money. However, as long as the vehicle is under warranty, the owner of a Tesla should not worry about the cost of repairs.
What does standard Tesla maintenance include?
Like all automakers, Tesla also recommends adhering to a regular maintenance schedule. It keeps your vehicle running optimally and avoids costly repairs.
Unlike most car brands, Tesla does not adhere to an annual maintenance schedule but instead recommends individual services based on your needs. Scheduled maintenance can include:
● Re-aligning the tires and balancing the wheels;● Replace the cabin air filter every 2 years (or every 3 years if it is a HEPA high-efficiency air filter).● Air conditioner maintenance (every 2-6 years, depending on the Tesla model);● Checking the brake fluid level and replacing it if necessary (done every 2 years).● Tesla owners living in cold climates should clean and lubricate their car's brake calipers every 12 months or 20,000 km.
Tesla is a reliable vehicle, capable of driving hundreds of thousands of kilometers without failures. However, only careful operation and timely maintenance can ensure this.